Acuity Professional specialise in providing IFAs and their clients with a personalised Defined Benefit Pension Transfer Advice service, aimed at putting the client and their specific needs and objectives front and centre during the advice process.
Our team of experts are fully authorised and directly regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our advice is delivered to the highest industry standard with clear, simple and jargon-free language.
The Acuity experience
Unlike the mass-market model, we are a dynamic team of experienced and dedicated pension transfer specialists. You and your clients will receive:
- One to one contact with a single dedicated PTS and administrative staff, who will regularly update you and your client throughout the process.
- Complimentary Triage service as part of the review, offered via Money Alive
- Complimentary Abridged Advice process to assess potential suitability
- Scale and capacity geared to individual ‘underwriting’ of cases to CETV deadlines
- Adviser portal for automatic case updates and secure information exchange
- Independent and Pension Transfer Gold Standard accreditation
- Long standing working relationship with both national IFAs and national networks
You will receive a fixed referral fee of £1,750 for cases that proceed to full advice and where the CETV is above £250,000.

Process Map

Client Criteria
We will only undertake a DB pension review where the member meets all of the following criteria
- Current age of member is ≥ 50 (unless in severe ill health)
- No. of years to retirement/accessing benefits is ≤ 3 (unless it is evident they will never need the DB pension)
- The member has an alternative guaranteed income source to meet their essential retirement expenditure
- The member must be a UK Resident
- Deferred member of their DB Scheme, or has decided to retire on their own volition.

Updated fee structure, with effect from 1 March 2023
- Full advice fee of 2.4% of the transfer value
- The minimum full advice fee – £3,600
- The maximum full advice fee – £18,000
- Each additional DB scheme remains subject to a full advice fee of the higher of 2.4% or £2,000
- Fixed Introducer payments of £1,750 per case referred, where:
- CETV is above £250,000, and;
- Which results in full advice.
- No introducer payments will be made where the CETV is below £250,000.
This Service is provided by Acuity Professional Advisers Ltd, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).