We provide Pension Reports that assist solicitors and their clients in reaching a settlement with regards to pensions on divorce.
Understanding what benefits are provided by a pension scheme is complicated, particularly in respect of defined benefit schemes, so it is advisable to involve a pensions actuary to assist in setting out each party’s pension entitlements. This will ensure the parties are fully aware of what pension income each can expect upon retirement and how to reach a suitable settlement on divorce.
We enable solicitors and their clients to make an informed decision in the settlement of the divorcing parties’ pensions.
We provide evidence and support for cases with clarity and focus

Our team aims to save you time and provide value.

Custom Solution
We work to get the best result possible for your unique circumstance.

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Because of our knowledge in tax and financial planning, we are able to offer guidance and opinions on the frequently intricate financial matters that come up during a divorce.
Why choose us?
We offer proof and support for cases by performing technical evaluations on a broad range of topics and providing clear, concise reporting on them. We possess expertise in the following domains:
1. Delivering knowledgeable analysis on how inheritance, capital gains, and income taxes affect the transfer of assets
2. Analysing the potential effects of a person’s domicile and tax residency on any proposed asset split
3. Taking into account the effects on pension settlements in divorce proceedings
4. Testing the long-term sustainability of a divorce settlement’s recommendations using cash flow modeling
5 Examining the suitability of each individual investment for the relevant party and its tax efficiency

Standard report
Our goal for the reports we write is to be clear and concise. The law, pensions, and finances are all intricate topics in and of themselves. Since we don't want to cause more uncertainty, our reports will provide concise, easily understood answers to the queries posed to us.
Offsetting-only report
There are situations where the parties to a divorce decide that pensions will not be shared. In these situations, we can offer a condensed, specialized, offsetting-only report that addresses the parties' pensions at the proper valuations for these purposes and outlines any necessary modifications.
How we take instructions
In extremely rare situations, we will accept direct instructions from unrepresented parties about single joint expert witness work; otherwise, we will always insist that at least one of the parties be represented by counsel. This is because a single joint expert has to adhere to several protocols, especially those pertaining to proving their objectivity and impartiality. Having legal representation for both parties makes doing this much easier.
When we are asked to act as a single joint expert in a divorce case of this nature, we typically only accept instructions from solicitors
But when we are not constrained by acting as a single joint expert, we are happy to take direct directions from unrepresented parties.
Contact for more information
If you need any more information feel free to call us on 020 7280 0512 or email us on enquiries@acuityprofessional.com
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This Service is provided by Acuity Professional Advisers Ltd, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).