Meet the team: Rahul Thakur, Accounting Manager

What is your background and how do you fit in at Acuity?
I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and previously worked at one of the “Big Four” consulting firm for 5 years and was part of the Accounting Advisory team.
At Acuity I am part of the Finance Function and I work closely with my clients. I am responsible for the entire relation with the client, similar to a Finance Controller role.
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?
It would be Finance Function Manager because it includes everything related to finance and that is exactly what I do.
What do you enjoy in the work you do?
The various challenges in the various work I do related to finance. I think I have grown more in the short period at Acuity than I ever did at my previous organisation. The biggest contributor to my personal and professional growth is the encouragement and mentorship that I have received from Stuart (Chairman).
How is your relationship with your manager? Do you enjoy working with him?
I enjoy working with my manager, there is healthy and constructive discussions all the time regarding the work. When I joined Acuity we used to have informal virtual meetings which made me get to know him better. I have a great working relationship with him and I can openly express my thoughts without any hesitation.
What are the values that drive you and your team?
I want my team to grow, learn and enjoy the work they are doing. I want my team to come to our TeamSpace and find an inviting environment.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I have started reading books a lot more now in my spare time. Apart from that I love to play cricket and interacting with people. But occasionally I also like to sit by myself and be alone with my thoughts.
What has been the most memorable moment or describe a good day you had at work?
I recently had a meeting with a client and he complimented my work and said that I am valuable to their business. I felt very good and it motivated because my hard work was recognised and my contribution was valued.
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