Meet the team: Angharad Rosser, Senior Manager

What’s the biggest challenge in your role?
I would say it is probably trying to manage the deadlines and the resource planning. I have to make sure we’ve got the resources in the right place at the right time for the jobs, because you often get pinch points. It would be lovely if I had jobs all throughout the year and they were even paced, but we don’t. So, I say the biggest challenge is making sure that everything gets slotted in, and I have the resources to manage it to meet client deadlines and expectations.
Do you use much technology in your role?
Yes, technology is becoming a much larger part in my role. I use IRIS as our main database and our way of managing workflow. Clients also use various accounting software that I need to understand and use. One of these is Xero, which is becoming very popular and is also the software that we use for a lot of our book-keeping work. There are also other types of software that are useful in streamlining the book-keeping and accounts systems, such as hub doc. HMRC are moving towards a digital reporting so it will be even more essential to use technology, and to encourage clients to use technology going forward.
Our audit software is also cloud based
Why did you join Acuity?
I started working for Acuity in October 2020. The role offered new opportunities and challenges and would also allow me to further develop my skillset. I’d worked with one of the partners, Rachel, in the past so I knew that we worked well together and shared similar visions.
Do you go to client offices?
I used to attend client offices more before COVID. However, once COVID happened this was no longer possible due the restrictions in place. This meant that I needed to utilise technology, such as Teams, for remote meetings. I still have a lot of meetings remotely, as this often works well for the client. However, should the client prefer a face to face meeting then I am more than happy to go to the clients office. These types of meetings can sometimes be more beneficial to both parties.
What do you think is the future… office working, homeworking or hybrid?
I think hybrid works for me. I’m probably more at home, I’d say about 4 days at home at the moment, then a day in the office. I think it depends on the role you’re in. For the trainees, I think they benefit more to be in the office with more experienced team members to hand to help and develop them. Personally, I find I get a lot more done at home and I’m a lot more efficient. However, I still like going into the office for the interaction with the team and think this is still very important as the in person interactions still help to develop working relationships and teams.
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